Antiquity Revived

. Neoclassical Art in the Eighteenth Century
Édition en langue anglaise
Coédition Gallimard/Musée du Louvre
Trad. du français par David et Jonathan Michaelson et Susan Wise. Édition de Guillaume Faroult, Christophe Leribault et Guilhem Scherf
Collection Livres d'Art
Eighteenth-century art is often perceived as a gradual transition from the frivolity of the Rococo to the grand Noeclassical style. However, this exhibition and its accompanying catalogue aim to shed light on the various endeavors to renew artistic forms ant themes during the period of 1720-1790 by drawing inspiration from ancient Greece and Rome.
Approximately one hundred major works –paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, and decorative arts – illustrate the processes of innovation, emulation, and even resistance to the antique in eighteenth-century Europe, revealing the underlying tensions that existed within the creative process.
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